Page 15 - Student Policy Catalog
P. 15


                              A student who for any reason finds it necessary to
                              withdrawl from the 625 hour course at the Healing Hands
                              Holistic Health Center School Of Massage must do so in
                              writing to the administration. Failure to do so may result in
                              forfeiture of a large portion of the set tuition or show the
                              student  as still enrolled in the program and obligated to
                              continuing financial commitment.


                              Dismissal may result from any of the following reasons:
                              1. Unexplained absence from 3 consecutive or 4 total
                                  class sessions.
                              2. Continuous conduct deemed disruptive and/or
                                   disrespectful to any fellow student or staff members.
                              3. Being unable to maintain satisfactory performance
                                  in the practical sessions and written tests over 21
                                  weeks. (remember tutoring services are available upon

                                             RE-ENTRANCE CONDITIONS:

                              Students may reapply for the next session. Acceptance will
                              be based upon discretion of the administration upon student
                              withdrawl or dismissal.  Each student re-entering the course
                              will be addressed on an individual basis.

                                            STUDENT GRIEVANCE POLICY

                              A grievance policy for complaints filed by students against a
                              proprietary school licensed under the Proprietary Schools
                              Act, Act 148, 395.102c “Written policy for complaints filed
                              by students” allows students to file a complaint with the de-
                              partment for any violation of this act or rules promulgated
                              under this act at

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